Methylation and Mutations: Dopamine (2 Part Series)

  • Part 1: COMT Function
  • Part 2: VDR Function & Importance of Vitamin D
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Part 1: COMT Function


Part 1 of this two-part series provides a general overview of the dopamine pathway and dopamine intermediates. Dr. Amy reviews various options to support and balance dopamine in the body for every unique individual’s genetics.


Dr. Amy explains what the COMT enzyme does, where it’s located in the methylation pathway, and how the enzyme impacts dopamine levels in the body. The seminar explores, in detail, what happens if you have a COMT variation by working through each COMT single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and describing how each scenario has a different impact on dopamine levels.


Part 2: VDR Function & Importance of Vitamin D


Part 2 of the “Methylation and Mutations: Dopamine” series explores the importance of the vitamin D receptor (VDR). Dr. Amy reviews the different VDR mutations and the potential impact each mutation has on how Vitamin D is processed and used in the body.


The seminar explains how Vitamin D plays a role in relation to dopamine levels in the body, and explores the relationship between Vitamin D, dopamine, and VDR mutations.